Fs Indy, James Arroyo.....killin it
Don't get me wrong there are some sick people coming up from Long Island, and furthermore you can't blame your skatespots for how good or bad you may be at flipping your board around. But what I am getting at is that Greenport skatepark, like other skateparks in small towns keeps the flame burning. Yes, it is true that the park has seen better days, and sure there a some screws that could use tightening but, this is exactly what the locals are doing. They can't exactly fix the shitty asphalt that is eroding away underneath some of the ramps in the steeper, more bike friendly section of the park, But they can screw coaping back into the min ramp and build a new funbox.
All in all, Greenport is not the best skatepark, but they have a 3 foot mini thats fun, a flawless six foot spine ramp, a vert ramp that still has the new car smell, and all the ramps are metal so they are fast!!!! Yea and don't forget the lights.....even though they are not bright enough to take photos with after dark, I still snapped a few before dusk. Enjoi the shots, and if your ever on the north fork of Long Island stop in at the park and be the judge yourself
Another Fs Indy in the 6 foot other angle
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